NTU Research > Publications > Wetting & Spreading


Below gives a selected list of the publications from Professor Glen McHale, Dr Mike Newton, Dr Neil Shirtcliffe and colleagues in Nottingham Trent University. Postprints of some papers are available by clicking on the links provided. Users who are registered with the ACS can click on the "Via ACS Server" links and logon to obtain a free copy of the article.

Complete list | Superhydrophobicity & Superspreading | Lichens, Plastrons & Soil | Interfacial Slip & Drag Reduction | Liquid Marbles & Electrowetting | Wetting & Spreading | Surface Acoustic Waves | Quartz Crystal Microbalances | Selected Others

C.V. Brown, G.G. Wells, M.I. Newton and G. McHale,
Voltage-programmable liquid optical interface,
Nature Photonics 3 (7) (2009) 403-405. View abstract
(also see the Editor's interview)

G. McHale,
All solids, including teflon, are hydrophilic (to some extent), but some have roughness induced hydrophobic tendencies,
Langmuir 25 (13) (2009) 7185-7187. Via ACS server

M. Bencsik, H. Adriaensen, S. Brewer and G. McHale,
Quantitative NMR monitoring of liquid ingress into repellent heterogeneous layered fabrics,
J. Magn. Reson. (Front cover image) 193 (1) (2008) 32-36. View postprint pdf

G. McHale,
Liquids shape up nicely,
Nature Materials (Invited 'New & Views' item). 6 (9) (2007) 627-628. View postprint pdf

G. McHale,
Cassie and Wenzel: Were they really so wrong?,
Langmuir 23 (15) (2007) 8200-8205. Via ACS server

G. McHale,
Surface free energy and microarray deposition technology,
Analyst (invited article) 132 (2007) 192-195. View postprint pdf

G. McHale, N. J. Shirtcliffe, S. Aqil, C. C. Perry and M. I. Newton,
Topography driven spreading,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (3) (2004) article 036102. View postprint pdf

N.T. Pham, G. McHale, M.I. Newton, B.J. Carroll and S.M. Rowan,
Application of the quartz crystal microbalance to the evaporation of colloidal suspension droplets,
Langmuir 20 (3) (2004) 841-847. Via ACS server

G. McHale and M.I. Newton,
Frenkel's method and the dynamic wetting of planar heterogeneous surfaces,
Colloids and Surfaces A206 (103) (SI) (2002) 193-201. View abstract

G. McHale and M.I. Newton,
Global geometry and the equilibrium shapes of liquid drops on fibers,
Colloids and Surfaces A206 (103) (SI) (2002) 79-86. View abstract

N.T. Pham, G. McHale, B.J. Carroll, and S.M. Rowan,
Investigation of deposition of monodisperse particles on fibers,
Langmuir 18 (12) (2002) 4979-4983. Via ACS server

H.Y. Erbil, G. McHale and M.I. Newton,
Analysis of evaporating thick liquid films on solids,
J. Adhes. Sci. Technol. 16 (14) (2002) 1869-1881. View abstract

H.Y. Erbil, G. McHale and M.I. Newton,
Drop evaporation on solid surfaces: constant contact angle mode,
Langmuir 18 (7) (2002) 2636-2641. Via ACS server

G. McHale, H.Y. Erbil, M.I. Newton and S. Natterer,
Analysis of shape distortions in sessile drops,
Langmuir 17 (22) (2001) 6995-6998. Via ACS server

L. McKenna, M.I. Newton, G. McHale, R. Lucklum and J. Schroeder,
Compressional wave generation in microdroplets of water in contact with quartz crystal resonators,
J. Appl. Phys. 89 (1) 2001) 676-680. View abstract

G. McHale and M.I. Newton,
The shape and stability of small liquid drops on fibers,
Oil & Gas Sci. Technol. - Rev Institut Français du Pétrole 56 (1) (SI) (2001) 47-54. View abstract and free access article

S.M. Rowan, M.I. Newton, F.W. Dreiwer and G. McHale,
Evaporation of microdroplets of azeotropic liquids,
J. Phys. Chem. B 104 (34) (2000) 8217-8220. Via ACS server

H.Y. Erbil, G. McHale, S.M. Rowan and M.I. Newton,
Analysis of evaporating droplets using ellipsoidal cap geometry,
J. Adhes. Sci. & Technol. 13 (12) (1999) 1375-1391.
(Also in: Drelich, J., Laskowski, JS. and Mittal, KL., eds., "Apparent and microscopic contact angles". Zeist, Netherlands: VSP, (2000) 457-473). View abstract

G. McHale, S.M. Rowan, M.I. Newton and N.A. Käb,
Estimation of contact angles on fibers,
J. Adhes. Sci. & Technol. 13 (12) (1999) 1457-1469.
(Also in: Drelich, J., Laskowski, JS. and Mittal, KL., eds., "Apparent and microscopic contact angles". Zeist, Netherlands: VSP, (2000) 319-331). View abstract

G. McHale, M.I. Newton, M.K. Banerjee and S.M. Rowan,
An acoustic technique for the monitoring of dynamic wetting behaviour,
J. Adhes. Sci. & Technol. 13 (12) (1999) 1471-1480.
(Also in: Drelich, J., Laskowski, JS. and Mittal, KL., eds., "Apparent and microscopic contact angles." Zeist, Netherlands: VSP, (2000) 487-496). View abstract

H.Y. Erbil, G. McHale, S.M. Rowan and M.I. Newton,
Determination of the receding contact angle of sessile drops on polymer surfaces by evaporation,
Langmuir 15 (21) 1999) 7378-7385. Via ACS server

G. McHale, M.K. Banerjee, M.I. Newton and V.V. Krylov,
Surface acoustic wave resonances in the spreading of viscous fluids,
Phys. Rev. B59 (12) (1999) 8262-8270. View abstract

M.I. Newton, M.K. Banerjee, T.K.H. Starke, S.M. Rowan and G. McHale,
Surface acoustic wave-liquid drop interactions,
Sens. & Act. A76 (1-3) (1999) 91-94. View abstract

G. McHale, S.M. Rowan, M.I. Newton and M.K. Banerjee,
Evaporation and the wetting of a low energy surface,
J. Phys. Chem. B 102 (11) (1998) 1964-1967. View abstract

M.I. Newton, G. McHale, and M.K. Banerjee,
Reflection of surface acoustic waves by localized fluids,
Appl. Phys. Letts. 71 (26) (1997) 3785-3786. View abstract

G. McHale, M.I. Newton, M.K. Banerjee and S.M. Rowan,
The interaction of surface acoustic waves with viscous fluids,
Faraday Discuss. 107 (107) (1997) 15-26. View abstract and free access article

S.M. Rowan, G. McHale, M.I. Newton and M. Toorneman,
Evaporation of microdroplets of three alcohols,
J. Phys. Chem. B 101 (8) (1997) 1265-1267. View abstract

G. McHale, N.A. Käb, M.I. Newton and S.M. Rowan,
Wetting of a high energy fiber surface,
J. Coll. Int. Sci. 186 (2) (1997) 453-461. View abstract

S.M. Rowan, M.I. Newton and G. McHale,
Evaporation of microdroplets and the wetting of solid surfaces,
J. Phys. Chem. 99 (35) (1995) 13268-13271. View abstract

M.I. Newton, G. McHale, S.M. Rowan and M. Banerjee,
A surface acoustic wave technique for the observation of dynamic wetting,
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 28 (9) (1995) 1930-1936. View abstract

G. McHale, M.I. Newton, S.M. Rowan and M. Banerjee,
The spreading of small viscous stripes of oil,
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 28 (9) (1995) 1925-1929. View abstract

G. McHale, M.I. Newton and S.M. Rowan,
Frenkel's method and the spreading of small spherical droplets,
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 27 (12) (1994) 2619-2623. View abstract